Helm Health and Wellness

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Men's Health

About Our Men's Health Services

You are unique, so why settle for generic “one size fits all” medical care? At Helm Health And Wellness we specialize in men’s health. We believe all men deserve to live their best life, and achieving optimal wellness requires holistic treatment. To achieve that, we take a personalized and science-backed approach to men’s healthcare that is professional, convenient, and confidential.



Labratory Testing

A key aspect of our care is thorough lab testing. We have carefully chosen an assortment of tests that will provide a in-depth overview of your current health status. These tests are also used to diagnose the cause of any symptoms you may be experiencing. We will conduct follow-up testing at regular intervals to monitor your health and assess the progress of your treatment regimen.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Experts estimate that 1 in 4 men suffer from low T. Testosterone levels peak at age 20 in healthy men and it helps regulate many physical factors that impact mood, energy, sex drive, and it can protect heart health.

Thyroid Optimization

Many patients often have all the signs of low thyroid function but are often told “all your labs are normal.” We will look beyond your TSH levels and take a deep dive into optimizing your thyroid function.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

The causes of ED can include chronic illnesses, medications, mental stress, and hormonal changes associated with aging. We will assist you in addressing these underlying health issues. We also offer medications that can enhance sexual stamina and satisfaction for both you and your partner.

Personalized labs

Functional lab testing has the ability to look at the entire body and incorporates more nuanced lab work to uncover root causes of your individual symptoms.

Gut Snapshot

Have you ever had your stool tested? We offer a gastric wellness package that includes a GI Map stool test, analysis and personalized protocol. Optimal gut health is essential for nutrient absorption, immune system function, and maintaining a balanced microbiome, influencing overall well-being.

Thyroid Optimization

Many patients often have all the signs of low thyroid function but are often told “all your labs are normal.” We will look beyond your TSH levels and take a deep dive into optimizing your thyroid function.

Hormone Health

DUTCH testing is a comprehensive hormone panel used to identify hormonal imbalances in sex hormones and adrenal hormones. It can show the physiological effects of stress on the body as well as reproductive hormonal issues. 

How It Works

Book Your Consultation

Schedule your initial consultation to discuss your health and wellness goals. You can easily book a time that suits you.

Prepare for Your Appointment

Complete all required consents and forms at least 24 hours before your scheduled telehealth appointment. This ensures a smooth process and maximizes the time spent with your provider.

Telehealth Meeting and Personalized Plan

Meet with your healthcare provider via telehealth to discuss your health needs. Together, you'll determine the best plan for your wellness journey. All necessary labs, prescriptions, or imaging will be ordered from the comfort of your home.

Embark on Your Helm Health And Wellness Journey

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